Wednesday, December 15, 2010

中國國民黨, 中央社和中央研究院的水準



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TWIMI | 獨立媒體 (轉貼請保留此連結) 國史館日前辦理『民國百人』網路票選,名單中出現毛澤東、鄧小平等共產黨人物,引發社會關注與爭議 ...
by twimitv

首位女國史館長 林滿紅寫歷史 


公文會說話 國史館館長林滿紅說謊被抓包 送監院彈劾


民進黨立委管碧玲今天(12/15)上午在立法院財政委員會質詢時,拿出國史館館長林滿紅今年 9月30日批准的公文指出,民國百人網站上的民國史上重要人物名單都已獲林滿紅核可,痛批林滿紅『說了一個大謊!國恥!』。林滿紅先在羅淑蕾委員質詢時態 度強硬,羅淑蕾考林滿紅歷任總統名單時,林滿紅答完後還補一句『報告完畢!』引起在場哄堂大笑但連國民黨立委翁重鈞等人都看不下去,批她『態度激烈、強 辯!』。

之後管碧玲委員質詢時,主席還要林滿紅要沈住氣,管碧玲委員質詢時表示林滿紅在此件事上懲處了相關人員,但林滿紅不需要負政治責任的理由為何?如果林滿紅 事前知道名單的話需要負責嗎?林滿紅回答他事前不知道,管委員請林滿紅再次確認是否其萬知道名單,林滿紅仍舊回答『不知道』極力詭辯。


管碧玲隨即拿出一份林滿紅批可的公文,批示日期為民國 99年9月30日,公文內容明白寫『民國百人網站架構、功能及預定輸入的100位民國史上重要人物名單均已獲鈞長核可』,證明林滿紅事前完全知道民國百人名單,痛批林滿紅是『說謊的國史館館長』。


管碧玲委員還請羅淑蕾一起上台質詢,羅淑蕾看過公文後說,『各位看,這就是我們中華民國政務官;妳在這個地方這樣狡辯、態度這樣傲慢,真的是』隨即走下質 詢台。翁重鈞委員還好言以考試院長關中『政務官不要失言、圓謊』來勉勵她,林滿紅還回說『我沒圓謊!』並一直解釋她忙於開館事務,翁重鈞不滿的直說『妳再 這樣我就要主席請你出去!』。


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

從連勝文遭黑道槍擊 看這些中國國民黨人
連勝文 連戰 郭素春 吳育昇 郝龍斌 盧秀燕

連勝文槍擊案 鬼話連篇


台上標題:"請大家為連勝文祈福 守護台北"




下次台灣人制裁國民黨這個暴力黨 )

槍擊之前很清楚的聽到兇手對他喊他的名字 並且喊出三字經"
讓人聯想到這次事件是綠營激化泛綠支持者才造成的暴力 )

Monday, December 6, 2010

中國文化之最: 指鹿為馬

[This post is based on an email message from Jon Lin.]

中國時報 (China Times) 的翻譯:
近乎理性的原文是sub-rational, 意思是不理性.  
中國時報把不理性翻譯成近乎理性, 也就是把無翻成有.

深植情感的原文是 deeply emotional, 意思很情緒化.  

Chairman Rudd on China’s attitude to Taiwan and Tibet:
Chinese leaders paranoid about both. Reaction to Taiwan sub-rational and deeply emotional. Hardline Tibet policies crafted to send message to other ethnic minorities.

Rudd the butt of WikiLeaks exposé 

Kevin Rudd warned Hillary Clinton to be prepared to use force against China ''if everything goes wrong'', an explosive WikiLeaks cable has revealed.
Mr Rudd also told Mrs Clinton during a meeting in Washington on March 24 last year that China was ''paranoid'' about Taiwan and Tibet and that his ambitious plan for an Asia-Pacific community was intended to blunt Chinese influence.
A meeting of minds ... Kevin Rudd with Hillary Clinton in Washington in March last year. A meeting of minds ... Kevin Rudd with Hillary Clinton in Washington in March last year. Photo: AFP
It also reveals Mr Rudd offered Australian special forces to fight inside Pakistan once an agreement could be struck with Islamabad.
The cable details a 75-minute lunch Mr Rudd held as prime minister with Mrs Clinton soon after she was appointed US Secretary of State.
Signed ''Clinton'' and classified ''confidential'', it is the first of the WikiLeaks cables that includes a substantive report on Australia.
The unprecedented disclosure of such a frank exchange between political leaders is bound to complicate Australia's ties in the region, especially with Beijing.
At the lunch Mrs Clinton confided to Mr Rudd America's fears about China's rapid rise and Beijing's multibillion-dollar store of US debt. She asked: ''How do you deal toughly with your banker?''
In a wide-ranging conversation Mr Rudd:
Described himself as ''a brutal realist on China'' and said Australian intelligence agencies closely watched its military expansion.
Said the goal must be to integrate China into the international community, ''while also preparing to deploy force if everything goes wrong''.
Characterised Chinese leaders as ''sub-rational and deeply emotional'' about Taiwan.
Said the planned build-up of Australia's navy was ''a response to China's growing ability to project force''.
Sought Mrs Clinton's advice on dealing with the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, and Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, whom she labelled the ''behind-the-scenes puppeteer''.
Mr Rudd agreed any success in Afghanistan would unravel if Pakistan fell apart - and that Islamabad must be turned away from its ''obsessive focus'' on India. He also discussed ways to bring China to the table in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The disclosures in the cable, posted online by the British newspaper The Guardian, will complicate Mr Rudd's already testy personal links with China after his reported reference to Chinese negotiators as ''rat f---ers'' during the Copenhagen climate change conference.
Mr Rudd gave Mrs Clinton a candid assessment of the Chinese leadership, drawing a disparaging contrast between the President, Hu Jintao, with his predecessor, saying Mr Hu ''is no Jiang Zemin''.
Mr Rudd said no one person dominated China's opaque leadership circle but the Vice-President, Xi Jinping, might use family ties to the military to rise to the top.
Mr Rudd said he had urged China to strike a deal with the Dalai Lama for autonomy in Tibet and while he saw little prospect of success, he asked Mrs Clinton to have ''a quiet conversation'' to push the idea with Beijing's leaders.
On his plan for an ''Asia-Pacific community'', Mr Rudd said the goal was to curb China's dominance. He wanted to ensure this did not result in ''an Asia without the United States''.
Mrs Clinton has since publicly praised Mr Rudd for his advice on China and credited him for the US decision this year to join the East Asia Summit.
Mr Rudd is in the Middle East and a spokeswoman said he did not have any comment on the release of the cable.
The Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, declined to answer questions on any damage to Australia's ties with China or the role of Australian special forces in Pakistan arising from the revelations in the cable.
In a statement issued by a spokesman he said: ''The government has made it clear it has no intention to provide commentary on the content of US classified documents.''
In the cable, Mr Rudd appears eager to impress on Mrs Clinton his knowledge of international affairs, promising to send her copies of his speech in April 2008 at Peking University and a draft journal article on his Asia-Pacific community plan.

The thoughts of chairman Rudd

Kevin Rudd’s China strategy
‘‘Multilateral engagement with bilateral vigour’’ — while also preparing to deploy force if everything goes wrong.
Rudd on China’s military modernisation
Australian intelligence keeping a close watch, and Australia responding with increased naval capability.
On the Chinese leadership
President Hu Jintao ‘‘is no Jiang Zemin’’. No one person dominated, although Hu’s likely replacement Xi Jinping could rise above his colleagues.
On China’s attitude to Taiwan and Tibet
Chinese leaders paranoid about both. Reaction to Taiwan sub-rational and deeply emotional. Hardline Tibet policies crafted to send message to other ethnic minorities.



If only more Taiwanese are speaking up like 阿明.


阿明要問監察院長王建煊,誰是笨死了! ...

12/5/10: Last Wednesday at National Ilan University (國立宜蘭大學), Control Yuan chief Wang Chien-shien (王建煊) gave a lecture where at one point ...
by ahbying 1 day ago 1,378 views