Monday, November 24, 2008

I support 李鴻禧's condemnation of 不公不義的檢察官
I wish them to burn in the hottest pit of hell

Google News search on 李鴻禧詛咒檢察官 shows the following. The news media are collectively of the opinion that 李鴻禧 is a person of bad taste. In contrast, the same news media think highly of the foul-moused 邱毅.

In a civilized society, whether 李鴻禧 is a person of good taste is neither news-worthy nor relevant. News media will investigate 檢察官不公不義, for it is their job and conscience. Yet this issue is of no interest to these news media. In fact, they try to cover up 檢察官不公不義 and defend such 檢察官.

How 'bad taste' is 李鴻禧? He is 粗鄙, 令人髮指、斯文掃地, 台大之恥, 台灣教育的悲哀, 蒼蠅, 心生怨恨, 日本皇民 ..., according these news media. Are such news media models of good taste?

But why do news media not ask how innocent victims 陳明文、蘇治芬、陳水扁 feel about 檢察官不公不義押人取供? Why don't they report 謝清志's years of suffering because of 檢察官不公不義押人取供? In 謝清志: 立即停止濫權羈押, he described:


聯合新聞網 - 1小時前
李鴻禧在挺扁大會上,公然詛咒檢察官三代不得好死。看到這種消息時,氣憤之餘,不禁感到悲哀。 中華民國最高學府的老師竟然這副德性,也難怪社會上會有種種道德敗壞的事件。陳水扁洗錢案搞到國外都來關切,一些理性的綠營民眾都已看不下去,而李鴻禧卻力挺,為什麼? ...
忘了上面還有一個天 公民新聞
這樣國師詛咒人家三代 聯合新聞網
所有 3 則相關新聞 »
eTaiwan News - 44分鐘前
(中央社記者蘇龍麒台北24日電)法務部政務次長黃世銘今天表示,對於台大法律系名譽教授李鴻禧,日前詛咒不公不義的檢察官三代不得好死,是對全體檢調人員不公正、不恰當的發言,他覺得相當遺憾。 黃世銘下午到立法院司法及法制委員會,對「司法機關於偵查中實施搜索、 ...
李鴻禧詛咒法官檢察官法務部:竟出教授口 臺灣新浪網
李鴻禧發毒咒法務部:遺憾 自由時報
為阿扁吵不休邱毅、邱議瑩互槓綠委修理法務部 NOWnews
所有 8 則相關新聞 »

中國評論 - 14小時前
中評社台北11月24日電(記者康子仁)前台灣大學法律系教授李鴻禧,上周六在台北的挺扁晚會上,詛咒偵辦扁家洗錢案的檢察官“三代都不得好死”,引發爭議。國民黨“立委”洪秀柱痛批李鴻禧,教出陳水扁這樣的學生,不向民眾道歉就算了,竟然還口出惡言,真是“學界之恥、台大之恥” ...
李鴻禧詛咒檢察官邱毅:靠山倒了心生怨恨 中國評論
聯合報投書:李鴻禧行徑令人髮指、斯文掃地 中國評論
所有 3 則相關新聞 »
NOWnews - 2008年11月23日
詛咒當然是要詛咒別人的兒子死不完。 昨晚的挺扁會上,還有一幕激情演出,那就是民進黨台北市黨部主委黃慶林,當眾下跪,拜託台灣人民,大家要團結起來,這一切顯然都是猛打悲情牌,想激發群眾起而「抗暴」、「誅馬」!李鴻禧漲紅臉詛咒亂來的檢察官、法官三代不得好死, ...
難怪李教授生氣 自由時報
所有 2 則相關新聞 »
NOWnews - 8小時前
如今陳水扁貪腐的錢被凍結,他的財源被擋,難怪他會用這麼激烈的口氣去「詛咒」法官和檢察官,說他們「不公不義,一代兩代三代都不得好死」。 然而「日本皇民」李鴻禧詛咒有用嗎? 從近代日本的行徑來看:「日本戰犯」於1895年後對台灣採取「三光政策」,要「殺光、燒 ...

壹蘋果網絡 - 2008年11月22日
凱達格蘭基金會董事長、扁恩師李鴻禧痛批要與扁切割者頭殼壞去,還詛咒檢察官、法官,「三代都無好死。」 主辦單位宣布昨晚現場擠入2萬人。依原先與扁辦默契,民進黨主席蔡英文與長老教會牧師羅榮光開場祈禱,蔡簡短致意後隨即南下台南出席南市黨部舉行的「譴責押人取供、 ...
捍衛司法人權南北同步發聲 自由時報
挺扁會連兩場英就是不提扁 世界日報
所有 147 則相關新聞 »
中國評論 - 16小時前
陳水扁的恩師,被稱作教授的李鴻禧詛咒檢察官“三代都不得好死”。這真是台灣教育的悲哀,這就更證明了陳水扁真的沒有辜負李大教授的傳道授業解惑了。 馬英九政府在小心應對的同時,大可不必過分憂心這群蒼蠅,他的眼光應該看得遠一點,還有超過半數的台灣人民才是真正代表 ...
中國評論 - 2008年11月22日
三,詛咒司法,煽動仇恨。被民進黨視為“國師”的前台大法律系教授,也是陳水扁的老師李鴻禧滿口惡言,痛批檢察官不公平,詛咒不公平的檢察官,“一代、兩代、三代都不得好死”。歌手Freedy也點名,“台灣人的國仇家恨就是馬英九”。 台大法律系畢業、又是德國法學博士的尤清, ...

人民网 - 13小時前
人民网11月24日电前台湾大学法律系教授李鸿禧,上周六在台北的挺扁晚会上,诅咒侦办扁家洗钱案的检察官“三代都不得好死”,引发争议。国民党“立委”洪秀柱痛批李鸿禧,教 ...
扁恩师气急败坏咒检察官“三代都无好死” 新浪网
组图:扁老师放狠话咒检察官“3代不得好死” 环球网
扁老师李鸿禧诅咒检察官邱毅:靠山倒了心生怨恨 人民网
所有 12 則相關新聞 »

中國評論 - 2008年11月22日
其他演講人言詞則極盡煽動,被民進黨視為“國師”的前台大法律系教授,也是陳水扁的老師李鴻禧滿口惡言,痛批檢察官不公平,詛咒不公平的檢察官“三代都不得好死”。 整場晚會還由三位牧師分段祈禱,保護台灣主權,也幫陳明文、蘇治芬、陳水扁祈禱,台下挺扁民眾更是真心 ...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Living among beasts

Can you find in these news notes,
  • civility?
  • compassion?
  • conscience?
  • ethics? Sense of morality?
  • professionalism?
Are you able to find such news notes in America or Japan?
Would you say Taiwan is a civilized society?

扁為惡的幫兇? 邱毅生氣了: 絕對要讓「三立」關台!
NOWnews - 23小時前
緊咬扁家洗錢疑雲的國民黨立委邱毅繼昨(20)日語帶諷刺地指只有「自由時報」會刊登前第一家庭千金陳幸妤的投書,今天上午又點名偏綠媒體「三立」電視台長期報導不實。邱毅放話要提告、要把「三立」移送「國家通訊傳播委員會」(NCC),氣憤之餘,邱毅還誓言表示,要 ...
邱毅槓三立散播謠言做假揚言讓三立關台 中廣新聞網 (需訂閲)
邱毅卯上綠媒:要讓三立關台、相信我意志 中國評論
所有 6 則相關新聞 »

中時電子報 - 20小時前
國民黨立委邱毅今天指稱,前總統陳水扁為了脫罪,一開始試圖收買特偵組檢察官不成後,展開毀滅特偵組計畫,扁家友人張瑋津日前出示陳水扁與特偵組檢察官合照就是此一計畫的一環,他更指控,士林地檢署檢察官曾勁元居間穿梭,幫陳水扁邀約特偵組檢察官朱朝亮、吳文忠等談 ...
扁密帳/扁曾與檢察官合照! 邱毅:為了毀滅特偵組 NOWnews
邱毅批扁進行毀滅特偵組計劃 大公報
張瑋津爆料邱毅:扁對檢座的威脅利誘 臺灣新浪網
NOWnews - 臺灣新浪網
所有 172 則相關新聞 »
扁密帳/珍想殺人? 邱毅:陳鎮慧、蔡銘哲安全堪慮!
NOWnews - 23小時前
國民黨立委邱毅今(21)日強調,這不是玩笑話,「吳淑珍是會真幹的喔!」 前總統府出納陳鎮慧昨天一早被特偵組以證人身分借提應訊,經過7個小時的偵訊,陳鎮慧下午5點再度被偵防車帶離特偵組,隨後傳出陳鎮慧已被當庭開釋,但特偵組卻安排陳鎮慧低調搭乘偵防車離開特偵 ...
要殺蔡銘哲! 黃創夏:扁珍待親信陰狠慘忍 NOWnews
所有 5 則相關新聞 »
NOWnews - 2008年11月20日
(圖/資料畫面) 陳前總統女兒陳幸妤在父親陳水扁羈押後,首度打破沈默投書平面媒體,以「希望上帝會聽見我的聲音」為名,強調自己不但被冤枉,還被人捅一刀,讓身心具疲的她,不知道還能撐多久,但今天(20日)上班時卻不願在多說話,但立委邱毅卻藉此批評陳幸妤往臉上貼 ...
扁密帳/陳幸妤投書談正義! 邱毅諷:不要臉! NOWnews
所有 6 則相關新聞 »

東森S台停播案判罰國賠~ 邱毅:當然是叫姚文智出錢!
NOWnews - 2008年11月19日
國民黨立委邱毅今天上午強調,「台灣夠窮了!大家夠苦了!當然是叫姚文智出!」 對於台北地方法院19日判決,要求NCC賠償3億4869萬,NCC表示,法官對當初新聞局的處置,是否構成國賠要件,其實看法不一,像是龍祥電影台請求1億多元的國賠案,在今年6月5日就遭台北地方法院 ...
NCC賠東森3.4億藍委:找姚文智出綠委:別清算 中時電子報
所有 69 則相關新聞 »

NOWnews - 2008年11月20日
國民黨立委邱毅表示,「他本身已經是一個遺臭萬年的臭人物,那你還出什麼書呢?台灣人心裡永遠記得,我們曾經出現一個遺臭萬年的大A、特A的貪污的爛總統。」 綠委尷尬為扁說話,不過與其花心思關心消費券時事,或者寫日記批判司法,倒不如把扁家海角數億說個清楚才有賣點 ...
陳水扁擬將收容所日記集結出書(圖) 香港新浪網
扁繼續拒進食血壓有飆高了 大公報
所有 29 則相關新聞 »

NOWnews - 2008年11月17日
對此,緊咬扁家多時的國民黨立委邱毅今(18)日上午推測,「三大金控、遠東這兩個案子應該是特偵組掌握的秘密武器」。 對於外界好奇何謂特偵組掌握的「王牌證據」,邱毅表示,「如果特偵組曾經大規模、分好幾路去搜索到現在卻秘而不宣,我想那應該是特偵組掌握在手中 ...
人頭A扁家黑錢? 邱毅:蛇鼠一窩黑吃黑 中時電子報
邱毅批珍說謊預言約談游錫堃 自由時報
扁密帳/上演「黑吃黑」? 邱毅批:報應、不A才奇怪! NOWnews
NOWnews - NOWnews
所有 32 則相關新聞 »

NOWnews - 2008年11月20日
而立委邱毅進一步爆料說,甚至有管理員負責幫他提水,根本就是在耍特權。立委李慶華也嘲諷說,北所乾脆找人幫他擦背算了! 外傳,因為前總統陳水扁很怕冷,所以北所特別禮遇,原本12月才能開始洗的熱水澡,因為他的「病人」身份,可以提前在有寒流的現在洗個溫暖的熱水 ...
扁羈押可洗熱水澡? 法務部:誤傳 中時電子報
牢中享特權?邱義嗆扁「靠北靠母」!移送北所長! 壹蘋果網絡
藍委批北所獨厚扁法務部:依規... 中央廣播電台
臺灣新浪網 - NOWnews
所有 13 則相關新聞 »
扁收押/扁又稱發燒? 邱毅:孬種!不是以死明志嗎?
NOWnews - 22小時前
國民黨立委邱毅今天嘲諷,陳前總統的身體是「豆腐」做的、很容易發燒。邱毅還指,陳前總統一直說身體不適,不像「以死明志的人」。 邱毅說,「陳水扁昨天回到土城看守所又在叫父叫媽了嗎?又說他發燒啦!一個一心求死、以死明志的人還會一下子叫胸口痛、一下子叫肚子痛、 ...

Monday, November 10, 2008


聯合新聞網 - 9小時前





4協議送立院藍綠有得吵 中時電子報
兩會協議/海空直航將送立院~ 陸委會:須於30天內決議NOWnews
  1. Why bother sending 四項協議 to 立法院 if there can only be one result: 自動生效, no matter whether 立法院同意或不同意. According to what is this so?
  2. 陸委會:須於30天內決議 What gives 陸委會 such power to bark order at 立法院?
  3. I want to repeat what I said in 陳雲林 馬戲團:
    In what way do Taiwanese approve of 陳雲林's visit and signing of any documents? Fact is, PEOPLE are excluded from any such decisions. There is absolutely no participation from anyone other than a small cadre of KMT elites. Therefore this is a secret dealing between KMT and CCP. I conclude that
    • Taiwanese must most strongly state that anything signed is strictly between KMT and CCP and has absolutely nothing to do with Taiwan
    • Taiwanese have no obligation to pay the thousands and millions of dollars lavishly spent on treating 陳雲林 like a king. Since KMT has been using our money to pay for this purely KMT/CCP affair, we must demand an immediate payback.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

中央日報: 民進黨暴力黨


[My comment: 每每 means "all the time". Is it true that 綠營的街頭活動,每每風聲鶴唳? Absolutely not! Think about the amazingly peaceful 830 and 1025. What is the message this chosen picture is trying to convey? Here is a different 暴民. See different perspectives from
  • 2008-11-09 中國時報 【莊佩璋】我見我思:黨國體制復辟?
    An excerpt: 「紅衫軍」嗆扁圍城,雖有未合法之處,不過沒關係,警愛民、民敬警,警民一家親。說白點,警察根本就是穿了制服的「紅衫軍」。當然保證一片和諧!當然群眾就是「蓋高尚」,有水準啦!

  • 《李筱峰專欄》「共匪同路人」終於現形!
    Excerpt: ... 高喊「台灣不是中國的」民眾,被警察架離;展現雪山獅子旗的藏獨人士,遭員警侵入住宅搜索;穿著衣服印有「台灣是我的國家」字樣的老師,被臨檢;成群的警察衝入中山北路的唱片行,不准播放「台灣之歌」,還蠻橫到將唱片行的鐵門拉下,不准營業。六日深夜遭警察強制驅離的反共群眾,較諸盤據台北經月不散的紅衫軍,真是大嘆不如。凡此,讓人感覺國民黨政府指揮的警察,竟然執行起中國共產黨公安的任務!
  • Memories of Past Tense
    Excerpt: ... Three bloggers carrying national flags of Taiwan and those of Tibetan Government in Exile were forcefully taken away by the police ...
  • 野草莓運動:集遊法違憲、人權變不見
  • INTERVIEW: Record store owner shares her story
    I have more comments at the end.]

中評網9日社評:民進黨街頭運動的暴力化,隨著大陸海協會會長陳雲林離台,已暫時落幕,但其後遺症才正要開始。這不單是國民黨的問題、也不單是 民進黨的問題,而是台灣民主發展前途的問題,是與台灣社會生存與發展命運攸關的生死問題。也就是,民主究竟有沒有一個應該共同遵循的價值標準,還是如民進 黨在這次街頭運動中所呈現出來的,我打!我打!我打打打的“打人無罪”的“台獨暴力團理論”。


民進黨的回應是:街頭暴力是因為警察執法過當;街頭暴力是因為馬英九同意陳雲林來台;街頭暴力是因為黑社會介入;街頭暴力是因為國民黨派來的; 街頭暴力是因為台灣主權喪失;街頭暴力是因為大陸黑心商品;街頭暴力是因為人權受迫害;街頭暴力是因為馬英九更改馬陳會時間。所以,民進黨沒有錯,街頭暴 力由馬英九、國民黨負最大責任。至於蔡英文與民進黨申請遊行許可時,同意確保遊行和平理性的保證,也只是隨便說說、隨便保證而已,責任不大。

回頭想想,民進黨執政了八年,在這不算短的八年中,大規模的藍營或紅衫軍的群眾 示威不知凡幾,規模更有高達百萬的、至於十萬以上的,可以說稀 鬆平常,但這八年來各種示威活動,除了造成若干的交通不便外,幾乎鮮有暴力的情事發生,更多的是嘉年華似的活動,民眾均井然有序,表達自己的不滿, 示威 活動結束後,整個街道也算清潔,更不要說有破壞痕跡了。說的更輕鬆一點,在這些 示威活動的周邊,商家往往大門敞開,快樂無比,因為商家當日營業額大增, 趁機賺了一票。

再回頭看綠營的街頭活動,每每風聲鶴唳,草木皆兵。多數人都有預感一定會出事,當然所有人的預感都會成真,因為在每次民進黨的群眾運動中,幾乎 都不乏民進黨的公職人員率領者一群“街頭勇士”橫衝直撞。打倒所有阻擋他們的人。而民進黨的 示威領導者,卻一付事不關己,似乎一切脫序的行為都與他們無 關,一切的暴力都是被迫的,打人都是有道理的,更重要的是民進黨永遠是對的。不論民進黨執政或在野,每一次的民進黨群眾運動,其結果是街頭滿目瘡痍,周邊 商家嗚呼哀哉,因為營業額大跌。1106民進黨的群眾運動,就是民進黨 示威活動的典型。
不過,在民進黨主席蔡英文眼中,這樣的暴力情況仍控制在合理範圍內。好一個合理範圍。一百四十多名在街頭維持秩序的警察受傷,算不算合理範圍? 近二十名街頭暴民被捕,算不算合理範圍?汽油彈出籠燃燒街頭,算不算合理範圍?台中市長胡志強在街上遭暴民吐痰,又算不算合理範圍?或許蔡主席可以告訴台 灣的民眾,什麼是妳眼中的不合理範圍?

民進黨的沉淪,說真的外界不會太在意,這在意料之中。只是,這種素質的政黨,如今還能在台灣存在,已經夠沒有天良了。如今,更讓人悲哀的是,民 進黨內還算享有清譽的黨主席蔡英文,在街頭暴力運動時那種不負責任的表現,以及一推二五六的態度,更讓人覺得,民進黨真的是個大染缸,內在的政治黑暗能量 實在太強大,能夠將善良人性扭曲成如此前後難以辨識的地步。


蔡主席,暴力就是暴力,貪污就是貪污。難道說,因為我反對你,所以我就可以打你;因為我要台獨“建國基金”,所以我就可以大貪特貪。如果這種邏 輯通的話,那麼我們任何人隨時可以找到一百個理由,痛打街頭的任何一個人。就像很多街頭的“豎子”(閩南語:下流痞子),因為有人看他一眼,或他看街上某 人不順眼,就喊打喊殺,可以嗎?政治可以是暴力的藉口嗎?1106那天,文山一分局分局長在街頭當眾流淚,感嘆台灣民主倒退的一番話,真的讓人感觸良 多。


Some comments:
  1. This posting provides more evidence of the KMT/CCP honeymoon
  2. What 中央日報 and 中國評論 call 民進黨街頭運動 is really人民街頭運動.
  3. Note that 中國國民黨黨報 中央日報 parrots 中國共產黨 中國評論 and 中國共產黨中國評論 is concerned about 台灣民主發展前途.
  4. Did Taiwanese approve of 陳雲林's visit? No! Did they know what were to be signed? No! Did they participate in any such secret dealing strictly between CCP and a small cadre of KMT elites? No! Then Taiwanese are not responsible for such dealing and the exorbitant expense incurred (see also 陳雲林 馬戲團). 中央日報 and 中評網 hope Taiwanese won't notice or rebel against the KMT/CCP coalition and secret dealing.
  5. Read Vancouver Sun: Detentions in Taiwan spark fears of return to authoritarian approach . Will 中央日報 and 中網 ever condemn CCP and KMT's authoritarian's behavior?
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Friday, November 7, 2008

Quoted Washington Post says otherwise
Vancouver Sun: ... authoritarian

中央日報: 江陳會/國際媒體高度肯定 2008-11-08 12:37:02


中廣新聞八日新聞報導,雖然有部分民眾質疑「江陳會」出賣國家主權,不過國際媒體顯然不是這麼看,根據新聞局的統計,到11月7日為止,計有 40個國家、220家重要媒體報導在台北舉行的江陳會,相關報導共有408篇,事實陳述類的占了382篇,除了其中有15篇是報導群眾衝突外,其他都是江 陳會談、四項協議與馬陳會等內容,另外還有26篇是屬於評論性的文章。新聞局長史亞平:『比較暴力的活動,是負面的報導。而評析江陳會成果的26篇報導裡 面,都是持正面肯定的立場,很多媒體都認為說,這是兩岸擱置歧見、簽訂歷史性的協議,結束長達60年的對立,降低兩岸軍事衝突的危險,這次簽了四個協議, 深化了雙方的經貿關係。馬總統對中國大陸展開和解政策,開創兩岸和平的新局面。』

權威國際媒體如華爾街日報,說江陳會的最大意義是達成兩岸和解,兩岸達成和平,馬總統的功不可沒;華盛頓郵報則說,江陳會的意義對兩岸而言,其 重大的程度是等同於美國總統大選,日本富士經商情報是指出,江陳會獲得改岸兩岸關係的重大進展,馬總統以不主張台獨的低調外交,更取得了重要盟友美國的信任。 
By Jane Rickards
Special to
The Washington Post
Friday, November 7, 2008; Page A13

TAIPEI, Taiwan, Nov. 6 -- Marking the highest-level contact between China and Taiwan's government in 60 years, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou met briefly with Beijing's most senior envoy for Taiwan, Chen Yunlin, on Thursday at a government guesthouse as thousands of protesters loudly shouted anti-China slogans outside.

The historic meeting was a sign of detente in one of Asia's longest-running disputes. Military tensions have run high since 1949, when the Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek lost the Chinese civil war and fled to Taiwan. Beijing has since insisted that Taiwan is a renegade province, to be brought under Chinese control by military force if necessary. It has refused to recognize the Nationalists' government, which democratically rules Taiwan. The United States, the island's main military supplier, has pledged to defend Taiwan from an unprovoked attack.

But Chen's willingness to make contact with Ma, a Nationalist, indicated that Beijing is softening its position toward Taiwan, analysts said.

"The two sides of the Taiwan Strait have their differences and challenges, especially regarding Taiwan's security and international status," Ma said Thursday during the open meeting. But he added that he hoped the two sides could resolve their differences by not denying the other's existence and by working for peace.

Chen, the most senior Chinese official to visit the island since 1949, did not say much during the short meeting, and did not address Ma as president, in a sign Beijing will still not openly acknowledge the Taiwanese government's sovereignty.

This infuriated the independence protesters outside, who were creating a din that could be heard miles away by blowing horns, banging gongs and shouting slogans. Many interpreted Ma's acceptance of Chen's treatment as surrender.

"Ma's not acting like a president, he's acting like a lackey of a Chinese emperor," said Lai Ho-an, a middle-aged man wearing a yellow ribbon around his head emblazoned with the slogan "Taiwan my country."

Groups of protesters, many of them supporters of the opposition, pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, later battled with riot police as they tried to push down barbed-wire barricades blocking streets.

The number of protesters -- many waving green flags and carrying placards with slogans such as "Communist bandit, get out of Taiwan" -- swelled in the late afternoon to 200,000, an opposition party official said. Police would not give a crowd estimate.

Vancouver Sun: Detentions in Taiwan spark fears of return to authoritarian approach

Jonathan Manthorpe
Vancouver Sun

Hopes of a new era that accompanied the election of Ma Ying-jeou as president of Taiwan in March are being eroded by allegations his Kuomintang administration is reverting to authoritarian tactics used when it ruled the island under one-party martial law for 40 years.

At least seven senior members of the Democratic Progressive Party administration of former president Chen Shui-bian are being held under draconian "investigative detention" laws that allow prosecutors to hold suspects for up to four months without charge.

Prosecutors claim they believe the detained officials have been involved in corruption and might destroy evidence if not imprisoned.

But DPP leaders and other observers accuse the new Kuomintang administration of using the judicial system to purge the political stage of its opponents, smearing the reputations of the detained DPP officials by leaking unsupported allegations to the media, and using the detentions to try to extract confessions.

Those detained include a former senior official in Chen's office, the former interior minister Yu Cheng-hsien, former deputy prime minister Chiou I-jen, the former deputy environment minister Dr. James Lee, two DPP municipal officials and a county magistrate.

Former president Chen himself is under investigation for allegedly misusing the equivalent of just over $500,000 from a special fund and his wife, Wu Shu-jen, is on trial for the same offence.

The allegations against Ma and his Kuomintang administration have come to a head during the four-day visit to Taiwan of Chen Yunlin, the head of China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS).

Chen is the most senior envoy from Beijing to visit Taiwan since 1949 when the island became an exile haven for the Kuomintang after its defeat by the communists in China's civil war.

Chen and his Taiwanese counterpart, Chiang Pin-kung, signed a series of agreements allowing direct flights and shipping between Taiwan and China, linked postal services and regulations governing food safety.

Ma and his administration insist the agreements will help boost Taiwan's economy and will not undermine the island's sovereignty as an independent nation.

But opponents such as the new leader of the DPP, Tsai Ing-wen, say Ma and his coterie of influential senior Kuomintang officials, who were mostly born in China, have been too ready to make concessions because they are prepared to surrender the island's sovereignty to Beijing.

Those suspicious of the intentions of Ma and his influential mentors such as former Kuomintang leader Lien Chan and James Soong, both of whom have developed close ties to Beijing, have watched intensely every nuance of the visit of ARATS head Chen.

There were instant rebuttals in the media when, in preparation for the visit, Ma referred to Taiwan not as an independent state, but as a "region" and an "area."

That opposition intensified when no Taiwanese national flags were flown around the hotel where the 60-member Chinese delegation stayed and police confiscated the flags from demonstrators on the streets outside.

The heavy security around Chen's visit has fuelled concerns on Taiwan that the Kuomintang is returning to the authoritarian methods of one-party rule and martial law it was forced to abandon in the late 1980s under pressure from the public and its principal ally, the United States.

On Wednesday a coalition of human rights, judicial reform and social movement organizations accused the Kuomintang of "pulling Taiwan's human rights standards down to the level of the People's Republic of China." The organization cited suppression of protests during the Chen visit, as well as the detention of the DPP officials.

Similar criticism came from a group of 20 leading American, Canadian and Australian experts on China and Taiwan.

The group, which included Washington's former de facto ambassador to Taipei, Nat Bellocchi, said the recent acts by the Ma administration resembled "the unfair and unjust procedures practised during the dark days of martial law."

© The Vancouver Sun 2008

What is KMT Media?

Why did Taiwanese elect Ma president in 2008? Greed, ignorance and lack of morality. The KMT media is instrumental in making Taiwanese greedy, ignorant and unethical.

This blog is created to show how KMT media:
  1. fabricate news
  2. freely injects bias into news reporting, making news indistinguishable from editorials or propaganda
  3. freely hides or sanitize news to favor KMT and smear its opponents, the TAIWANESE PEOPLE
  4. make irrelevant things headlines to carry out their hidden agenda
All these are done everyday for more than 60 years. Many minds are so poisoned that they become ignorant, unethical and unable to tell right from wrong.

This blog will record what these KMT media had done and show that they are as evil as or more evil than NAZI collaborators. May these KMT media burn in the hottest pits in hell.