國民黨...的權力由特定少數人寡佔,不能開放給黨內更多本土菁英,... 國民黨決策圈就是那麼幾個人 ... 他自己不知道這已造成黨內和選民多大的反感與痛惡。Why does this fact that Ma's regime is a dictatorship of a small clique of Chinese KMT elites not bother Taiwanese?
What's more, for someone who writes so poorly as 南方朔, how did he attain his fame as a political analyst?
Some examples of his gobbledygook follow:
誠可謂兩黨真正的A咖菁英全都走上了最前線Why are 黃昭順, 郭添財, 胡志強, 朱立倫, 郝龍斌 A咖菁英? What have 胡志強, 朱立倫, 郝龍斌 done to make them A咖? I already wrote that 胡志強 is unelectable. I will say that if we remove the heavy makeups from 朱立倫 and 郝龍斌, you will see two truly incompetent and unethical men. What makes incompetent and unethical men A咖菁英?
人們不能否認目前兩岸氣氛已明顯緩和I most strongly disagree! How can 兩國氣氛緩和, when China becomes more and more hostile when it comes to Taiwan's sovereignty, and it becomes more and more evident that Taiwanese are sub-humans in the eyes of Chinese KMT and Chinese CCP?
也有人在「終極統一」上放話,這 種變來變去,什麼都是但又什麼都不是的態度,What 放話? What 變來變去? What 誠信? Ma has never changed: he wants Taiwan ceded to China. I can give you examples that Ma has no 誠信: depositing public funds into his own bank account, 633, 黨產, 捐薪水. Can you convince me that he has 誠信?已使馬政府的誠信受創
而反觀民進黨,由扁案爆發,政黨輪替扁案起訴,顯然它已逐漸利空出盡扁案 is a pure political persecution. Can you quote any court document that says Chen is guilty? Yet, he has been jailed for 561 days as of today. DDP was defeated by intense Chinese KMT/CCP propagandist brainwashing of Taiwanese. If DDP lost its power because it was corrupt, why did people replace it with Chinese KMT which is infinitely more corrupt? Say you don't want a thief to be a judge, do you replace it with a mass murderer such as Hitler?
加以蔡英文有著一向只有國民黨要員才有的高學歷資本,這對民進 黨當然有著極大的加持作用。How about 謝清志, who was responsible for 台灣第一顆衛星? Not only are there no makeup artists for 謝清志 to turn him into a shining star like 馬英九, 朱立倫, and 郝龍斌 , he was put in jail for sixty days.
Finally, what is 新國民黨? What makes it new? Is it less evil? Is it now more moral than Nazi?
2010-05-25 中國時報 【南方朔】
Here's an unretouched photo of Hau Lung-bin without his makeup to remind readers of his true face.
ReplyDeleteTim Maddog