Saturday, April 3, 2010

Chinese KMT uses all resources
to deny Taiwanese their referendum rights



中央通訊社 - ‎15小時之前‎
(中央社記者李佳霏台北3日電)民進黨主張ECFA因與對岸有關,所以要公 投。總統府發言人羅智強今天說,若議題碰到中國大陸就要公投,不合邏輯。民進 黨執政時開放936項大陸農產品進來,為何沒有交付公投? 羅智強表示,兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)就是要幫助台灣人民做...
People have the right to initiate referendums.  Chinese KMT party has no right to deny citizens their referendum rights.

ECFA要不要公投 府:綠簽FTA也沒公投

聯合新聞網 - ‎2010年4月2日‎
對於綠營堅持EFCA公投,府方認為,各國目前簽署兩百多個自由貿易協定(FTA)或自由貿易區過渡協議,絕大多數都沒交付公投。 羅智強反問,民進黨執政曾與幾個友邦簽署FTA,也沒交付公投,現在政府洽簽兩岸經濟協議,民進黨竟要求公投, 難道這不是雙重標準? ...
Let me 反問羅智強: Had there been requests for such FTA 公投? Had 民進黨 simply denied citizens' rights of 公投? Now, we want 公投 and Chinese KMT is flatly denying our rights.

怕ECFA公投? 馬:不能凡事都

馬英九雖然說自己不怕公投,但他同時表示,應該要尊重立 法院、尊重代議制度。馬英九說:「就像我們修訂考績法,大家都很支持,但不能說不管立法院,直接先送公投, 因為這是一個正常程序。」 儘管馬英九將公投議題轉向「尊重立法院」,但民進黨依然積極推動 「ECFA公投」,


How detached from reality is this Ma utterance! The truth is that Taiwanese don't even know what 公投 means and they had not been doing any meaningful 公投 except one in which Chinese KMT was counting on passing hands down! Chinese KMT has been brainwashing Taiwanese about how unusual referendums are when the fact is that referendums are as natural as breathing in USA and are an integral part of an election.

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