Friday, April 9, 2010

Michael Porter made a CCP/KMT ECFA propagandist

For Michael Porter's information:
  • ECFA is a completely secret treaty between Chinese KMT and Chinese CCP
  • Chinese KMT would not disclose ECFA's content however Taiwanese demand
  • President Ma disallows congressional oversight and disallows referendum on ECFA
I hope Michael Porter and anyone else who prefer democracy to totalitarianism would help Taiwanese to have a voice in this matter.  Some Taiwanese also enjoy democracy, like you.

Harvard professor supports ECFA

Harvard professor
 supports ECFA
Michael E. Porter gives his views on global and regional economic trends in Taipei April 8. (Courtesy of Chinatrust Commericial Bank)

A visiting professor from the Harvard Business School said April 8 that signing an economic cooperation framework agreement with mainland China is Taiwan’s only real option.
In a speech delivered in Taipei City, Michael E. Porter said he thinks Taiwan needs to normalize its economic and trade ties with the mainland as quickly as possible. He added that such a move is no longer a yes-no question but a how-to question.
Porter stated that he is extremely optimistic about Taiwan’s future, pointing to the island’s strong economic performance over the past decades despite facing many restrictions. Now that the government has adopted a more open cross-strait policy, he continued, Taiwan will not be at a disadvantage in its relations with the mainland.
However, he stressed, amid the growing wave of free trade agreement signings globally, the costs of isolation have risen in tandem. If Taiwan were to refuse to overhaul its cross-strait policy and continue with a conservative approach, then the costs to the island over the next 20 years would be enormous, he claimed.
Porter stated that he feels Taiwan has no alternative but to move forward with the inking of a cross-strait ECFA, which in effect simply means formalizing the economic and trade relations that already exist across the strait. At the same time, such an agreement would provide further guarantees to Taiwan businesspeople operating on the mainland, he added.
Noting that Taiwan has “nothing to fear,” the professor said the opportunities presented by an ECFA in fact far outweigh the potential risks. He urged the ROC government to make an all-out effort to help citizens discover and use their advantages and quell their fears about inking such a pact at this turning point in the island’s history.
After delivering his speech, Porter met with President Ma Ying-jeou in the morning. At a press conference later the same day, Porter mentioned that he expressed to Ma his strong support for a cross-strait ECFA. The two men also exchanged views on various aspects of the planned agreement, including how to deal with sensitive items such as not opening the island up to mainland labor and agricultural products.
Porter is world renowned for his work in the area of competitive strategy. At 26, he became the Harvard Business School’s youngest professor. Over the years, he has served as a business advisor to many governments and corporations around the world. (SB)


中時電子報 - ‎18小時之前‎
波特(Michael E. Poeter)8日直言,兩岸ECFA若 不盡速簽定,只會讓台灣更孤立,也讓一流的跨國企業對台灣卻步,自然就無法吸引外資來台投資。他強調,兩岸間任何非制度、非正式的管道都非長久之計,所以 兩岸應儘速簽定ECFA,建立正常的經貿往來管道。 ...
中時電子報 - 聯合新聞網

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