Saturday, April 10, 2010

Worse than 阿陸仔來搶飯碗了
Worse than 2000名陸生 9月集體登台
ECFA will turn Taiwan into Tibet and East Turkistan

蔡銘燦 2010/04/08
四月六日自由時報頭版「ECFA沖垮三百二十一萬白領」報導,遭陸委會主委賴幸媛以「狼來了」重砲反擊。曾經是 守護這塊土地的民代, 換了位置就換了腦袋,不時以「門打開,阮顧厝」對台灣民眾進行催眠洗腦的賴主委,難道不知道一旦簽訂ECFA,就是「引狼入室」,防 線失守,覆巢之下豈有 完卵?
幾天前,筆者拜訪某藥局 時,碰到一 個從上海嫁來台灣的女業務員,她不諱言剛離婚,已經拿到中華民國身分證,隨即獲得這份工作。女業務員約莫三十歲,頗有幾分姿色,身段 擺得低,反應敏捷,伶 牙俐齒,看似厲害角色。因為身分特殊,加上獨特的腔調,讓藥師老闆頗感興趣,對她另眼相待,只顧與她聊天,把一干業務員給冷落了。女 業務員走後,藥師語重 心長地對本地業務員說:「你們皮要繃緊點,『阿陸仔』來搶飯碗了!」
馬政府跳票連連,信用破產,如今被ECFA沖昏了頭,為 簽訂不擇手段, 謊話說盡,任何保證「攏是假」。中國「狼」若「侵門踏戶」,台灣人的飯碗都顧不了,賴幸媛還有厝可顧嗎?

□ 〔 資料來源: 自由時報【自由廣場】

2000名陸生 9月集體登台

自由時報 - ‎2010年4月1日‎
〔記者林曉雲、陳怡靜/綜合報導〕陸生來台就讀政策尚未 開放,中國媒體近日大幅報導,宣揚台灣七十三所高等院校首次集體登陸、在中國大規模招收陸生赴 台學習,今年秋季就將有二千名陸生前往台灣的大學就讀。 立委管碧玲痛批,招收陸生一直有中國政府的黑手操控,中國人 ...
20100406 DaHwaNews 13/5

20100406 DaHwaNews 13/6

Genocide in East Turkistan (新疆): Where do Uighurs all go?

This is a report written by Dr. Susie Hsieh about her trip to Urumqi. Dr. Hsieh is a professor of International law.
I was in Urumqi just before the current Uighurs riot. In fact, as soon as I left, the Uighurs took their brave hearts to the street. Wish I were still there when it happened. Even with my former students in East Turkistan, they could not have enough intelligence to alert me for staying longer. Such was my poor luck.
With over 2 million population in Urumqi, I could hardly spot any Uighurs in town except few, cleaning toilets (if there is any) and streets. I wanted to interview them about human rights issues. Yet, everywhere is Han Chinese, overpowering the entire political, economical, legal, military life in East Turkistan.
Thus, I decided to have "foot massage" to see if I could bump into Uighurs working. I did not have overwhelming courage for regular massage, but foot massage was good choice. Certainly, I would find some Uighurs I like to meet.
Well, well, no single soul from the Uighurs in the massage parlor. I
discovered myself wrong as massage is a rather lucrative profession in developng as well as developed country. The Uighurs are almost outcast in Han's society. How could they be there? All the young men and women in the parlor were from mountains in Shu-Chuan in the far away south. The girl served me was so young that one would almost consider her teenager. Her name was Yin-Yin. I paid the front desk RMB98.00 (about US$14.00) for masssage for an hour and half. Actual time was only about an hour though.
I asked Yin-Yin how much she got from the RMB98.00 I paid.
"RMB10.00 (about US$1.40)," said she, delightfully.
"Where do you live?"
"Share a little, crowded room provided by the boss with many girls working here."
"Do you have to pay for room?"
"Yes, we need to pay for room and board (meals)."
Imagine that the person who actually does the labor and service receives only one tenth of the pay from customer, minus room and board. I can see that the Chinese Communists are more capitalist than their long time counterparts in the West.
One more thing: I noticed there were no others giving tip except me. My tip of RMB10.00 was "very generous to Yin-Yin," I was told.
Hundreds of young Uighurs have been executed by Chinese regime without justice. This information was from my former graduate students and colleagues in East Turkistan "under the table." No wonder the Uighurs fight against the foreigners, Chinese, on their territory. Shalom!
Susie S. Hsieh, LL.B., Ph.D.
Professor of International law

1 comment:

  1. 你的文章都寫得很好喔^^ 分享一個很棒的事業機會給你:



    祝您˙諸事順心-愉快! ^_____^
