For the record, ECFA is a secret treaty whose content has never been disclosed. When it comes to ECFA, President Ma disallows congressional oversight and disallows referendum.
Comparing 馬英九 to 歐巴馬:
- 馬英九 lies all the time. It is difficult to give an example of Obama lying.
- 馬英九 is a dictator. Obama has never been known to be a dictator.
- Ma Ying-Jeou is alleged to have multiple nationalities and was not born in Taiwan. Obama has only one nationality; he was born in the United States.
- Ma Ying-Jeou is an extremely privileged Chinese elite. Obama is an under-privileged minority black African American.
美國總統歐巴馬靠健保法案讓民調大幅回升,國民黨秘書長金溥聰昨天巧妙形容「兩岸經濟協議(ECFA)之於馬英九,等於健保之於歐巴馬」,面對重大政策不容迴避,總統都要站上第一線。 朝野領袖雙英辯論即將登場,金溥聰說,兩岸經濟協議本身是利大於弊,在野黨卻刻意扭曲成 ...
2010-04-03 新台灣加油!
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